online store Blended Learning Expanded-Christ Academy Wichita Falls
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 our curriculum models

We use a blended learning approach because it creates an individualized result for each student challenging them academically as well as honing their “soft skills,” such as time management, self-advocacy & self-discipline, which greatly benefits them in college and the career world.


Blended learning models


Curriculum that is designed so that an on-campus teacher provides the primary means of instruction and utilizes an online component to supplement learning.


Curriculum that is designed to provide all course content through an online platform and is delivered by an on-campus or off-campus teacher.



Both Web-Supported + Web-Based models are designed to help students develop soft skills including:

  • Agility + Adaptability: Learning skills are more important than tech skills.

  • Accessing + Analyzing Information: Students must process information from various sources effectively.

  • Curiosity + Imagination: Students must be inquisitive and able to ask important, pertinent questions.

  • Creativity: Design thinking is more essential in the workforce than ever.

  • Critical Thinking + Problem Solving: We expect students to ask good, pertinent questions using their analytical skills and resilience.

  • Effective Oral + Written Communication: We expect communication to be clear, concise, and focused.

  • Collaboration + Leadership: Students must be able to influence and lead others especially in virtual teams.

  • Initiative: Students must be able to take initiative with the ability to fail and recover.


flexibility is key



flex model



The Flex Model allows both asynchronous and synchronous instruction while teachers monitor student progress and provide accountability for appropriate pacing. Course instruction is designed so that online learning is the backbone of student learning, even though it directs students to offline activities at times.


Why Blended Learning Works

The future workforce

Our blended learning model closely matches the predictions for a hybrid workforce with a demand for flexibility in place, time, and delivery of work. The future workforce will include: