Spotlight | Early Childhood Presentations

Learn + Play + Create

Early Childhood 3s and 4s recently concluded their nocturnal animal unit with presentations on a nocturnal animal of their choice.
They followed the Learn, Play, Create steps in their project:
Learn: In class, they explored questions such as:
What is a nocturnal animal?
What special adaptations did God give them to survive at night?
What types of habitats do nocturnal animals live in?
Play: Students expressed their learning through art by creating colorful folders, nocturnal animal artwork, sensory tubs, and more.
Create: With the help of their parents, students prepared presentations about their chosen nocturnal animals, filled with information they had learned.
Early Childhood teachers guided each student through their presentation on stage, with the following goals in mind:
For parents: To see how students are taught presentation skills at an early age and how they grow in confidence through a safe learning environment and positive relationships with their teachers.
For students in the audience: To learn good audience skills, such as sitting, listening, and being kind to presenters.
For presenters: Recognizing that presenting in front of others can be intimidating for young children, teachers support each child by asking guiding questions to help them feel more comfortable.
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